Phoenix, AZ | 2010
Firm of Record: Tiffany Halperin, planning lead and urban design lead while at OTAK
Focused on improving mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists on 3rd Street between Indian School Road and McDowell Road, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) funded the planning and design effort for 3rd Street Promenade included stakeholder outreach, public meetings and participation, and a final report through its design assistance grant. Both City of Phoenix staff and 3rd Street Business Alliance were key participants in the process. The final concept included considerations for street markets, pedestrian connectivity to destinations, traffic calming, safe street crossings, bicycle circulation and district parking. Five character districts were identified along the corridor and the following was recommended: addition of bicycle lanes, addition of street trees, lighting upgrades, mid-block crossings, reduction in the number of travel lanes.
Highlights: Street Diet | Urban Design | Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements | Streetscape Enhancement | Placemaking | Solutions for Homelessness | Urban Heat Mitigation Strategies | Water Reduction | Many Agencies and Stakeholders